Do You Have Wax On Your Solid Or Engineered Hardwood Floors?

Before we begin work on anyone’s home, we do an in-home consultation. 

During the in-home consultation, we test the floor for wax.

This wax comes from household products that, sometimes, boost your floor’s shine, may have a protectant film and coating aid. 

But, overtime, when this oxidized wax builds up, it makes your hardwood floor appear cloudy.

You will also often see scratches that are within that protectant film of oxidized wax as well.

So, once we test the floors for this wax residue, then we are able to assess how we will remove it.

This will also give the homeowner an idea of what their floors will look like after we complete our wax removal service.

Often, but not always, screen and recoats are needed after wax removals in order to completely get rid of the wax build up.

If you’d like for us to test your floor for wax, book a free, in-home consultation, and we’ll be glad to assist you.


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